Leagues Under 2.5 Goals Stats & Trends

Have you ever wondered which football leagues are best for betting or trading Under 2.5 goals markets? Do you need to find soccer/football leagues with the most under 2.5 goals best won? Leagues under 2.5 Goals Stats & Trends update daily and display already sorted best stats & trends for all major and minor competitions from all over the world!

These stats & trends will quickly identify the highest and lowest leagues averages for the given outcomes. They are split into:

  • Last 3 seasons averages
  • Current season’s stats
  • Last 100 and 30 matches trends

They are handy to track long, medium and short period stats & trends across the leagues. Furthermore, we calculate True Odds (T Odds) based on the last 3 seasons stats to give you an indication of what betting prices should be expected for the given outcome across the leagues.

More features:

  1. These stats & trends are updated daily and displayed for upcoming leagues fixtures only.
  2. Press on the headers of the table to sort the data by ascending or descending order (e.g. best or worst % stats, differences etc.)
  3. Use the M. field to sort by Major leagues (1) or Minor Leagues (0).
  4. Filter & search the stats & trends by using the fields underneath the headers.
  • 3 SEAS – Average % stats from last 3 seasons for the given league
  • CUR S – Average % stats from the current season for the given league
  • L100 – Average % stats from the last 100 matches for the given league
  • L30 – Average % stats from the last 30 matches for the given league
  • CS Diff – Difference between 3 SEAS and CUS S averages
  • L100 Diff – Difference between 3 SEAS and L100 averages
  • L30 Diff – Difference between 3 SEAS and L30 averages

You are browsing sample Leagues Stats & Trends only. The full data is available for VIP, FTT & PRO members only!

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