The Colossus Bets offer free weekly entry for their FreePlay6 – no deposit needed. What’s the idea? Predict 6 correct scores and win £1,000,000. It’s totally free to play and not limited to the UK market. Seems impossible? Maybe getting the £1M jackpot may not happen in your lifetime, however there will be some cash out opportunities to bag some extra profits from your free entries.

So how can you get a similar text from Colossus Bets? Follow these few steps:
- Register with Colossus Bets for FREE.
- Go to Goal Frenzy Stats to help you pick your correct scores.
Our FREE Goal Frenzy Stats are perfect for predicting winners in FreePlay 6 and Super6 - Enter your predictions before 3pm on Saturday.
- Enjoy your day watching footy or doing whatever you wish (keep your phone nearby though, as you may get some text).
- Cash out your ticket fully or sell some percentage of it.
After using the Goal Frenzy stats, I predicted 2 of the 3pm matches correctly and my options were as follow:
You could leave this bet to run and if the remaining 4 matches finish in your scores, then you will win £1,000,000. Or you can cash it out for £71.09. The other option was o sell part of your ticket e.g. cash out 70% of your bet and still potentially win £300,000 in case the remaining matches finishing as you predicted.
Whatever you choose, it’s worth the effort and you will be rewarded from time to time. And who knows, you may even get a bigger jackpot one day.